GICC Staff

Once I retire, I worry I will have no friends. 

What will I do the rest of my life? Hang out with Mr. Howard?

That's another worry. School seems to be the center of our conversations. What will John and I talk about? What if I bore him to tears? What if, after forty years of marriage, he gets tired of me? 

Fortunately, John is far too kind to abandon his boring wife. He feels sorry for me because I can't set up Alexa.

For the last half century, Central Catholic has been the bulk of my social life. Those good friends are very dear to me, and the current staff - who is remarkable in every way - are the best people in the world. I'll miss them. I'm terrified this post might seem like the written notes of a high school yearbook, but I can't leave without thanking the lovely people I work with. 

Every day I share my classroom with three exceptional women. Dawnell Glunz, our speech teacher and school interventionist, breezes in every afternoon with little Shire the Comfort Dog and fills the room with beauty and warmth. Thank you, Dawnell, for painting our classroom and transforming it into a light-filled space.

Nancy Erives, my other roommate, is a para whom students and teachers love. Beautiful and serene, she calms us all with her radiant smile. She also gave birth to three of the most gifted children we've ever taught.

Cathy Wieck, my third roommate and skilled para, is also a former student. I've loved her pleasant demeanor ever since she was a kid. Like Nancy, her sweet smile is a balm.

Just across the hall is the Development Office. Jolene Wojcik manages to stay on top of fundraisers, donations and a brand new grade school with the help of her reliable assistant Becky Hollowell. It's frantic to say the least. We're so grateful to Jolene and her courage to press on with the seemingly impossible vision of a Catholic grade school.

Next door to me is Sharon Zavala who oversees the library. The winningest volleyball coach in Nebraska is also my oldest friend at Central Catholic. We share nearly 50 years of memories and are the only ones left who remember Harry the Janitor.

Marilyn Luther, master math teacher, looks over the library in the afternoon but still tutors our students. Thank you, Marilyn, for your expertise and for the gift of your grandsons. Gavin, Eli and Bowdie Fox were some of the best kids we ever taught.

Across the hall from the library is one of my favorite people in the world, the one and only Mike Rohweder - our business manager. A true blue Crusader from the class of '84, Mike loves GICC with all his heart and can make me laugh until I snort. I'll miss you, Mikey!

Counselor Dr. Julie Hehnke brims over with energy and, as far as I can tell, never sleeps. She's counseled every one of us - even teachers - and makes it her mission to hound our students into college. Because of Julie, our seniors earn millions of dollars in scholarships.

I love our English department. Jeff Chmelka also teaches math, coaches, and even puts out the school newspaper and yearbook. Jeff's one of the very kindest, gentlest men I know, and he's passionate about books - a kindred spirit.

Steven Dunham is the third member of our English department. He loves his students and football almost as much as he loves his wife Makenzie - our physical education teacher - and their two adorable little girls. It warms your heart to see this close-knit little family so devoted to each other.

I don't know what we'd ever do without James Lowry or Keith Kester - one half of our social studies department. They are, of course, crucial to Central Catholic. For years the two of them, along with my husband John, have commandeered their department together. None of us are sure what happens in those social studies department meetings, but we know they're having a lot more fun than we are.

Brady Brokaw, a former graduate, recently joined the social studies brigade. Though he's young, he easily settled into his alma mater to join his old teachers and excels in the classroom and coaching arena. We're so glad to have his familiar face back in the building.

Kevin Mayfield, a stellar math teacher, might be the easiest guy in the world to visit with. We all love his easy-going manner. He's the perfect guy to coach high school girls' basketball. With his no-nonsense but sensitive approach, he's become a role model and mentor to our girls and has coached them to great success.

Kim Jensen, another member of the math department, arrived just this year. An experienced teacher, he's fit in so easily with all of us. Central Catholic was lucky to get him.

Lauren Waskowiak is a young but competent new math teacher. Like Kim, she arrived only this year and seemed so shy - until my smart alec husband started teasing her. Lauren's planning her wedding and was excited to show Mr. Howard a photo of her dress.

"Oh, Lauren!" he gasped. "I'm thrilled beyond words." 

The girl's got guts, though, and hands it right back to the old fart.

Ryan Smith is our science teacher. He's also in charge of STRIV - the school's student broadcasting outlet - and has produced some outstanding Central Catholic broadcasters.

Young Mitch Miller, who took over for our beloved Kerry O'Connor, teaches science upstairs and is a great favorite. As young as he is, he demands respect from his students but still has fun.

Willie Fair is the middle school science and health teacher. Handsome and athletic, he's been a fantastic asset to our coaching staff and is adored by his students.

We're blessed with an amazing music department. Every time I see our school musical, I'm astounded by the talents of Tyler Koepp. Somehow he manages to coax a huge number of students to participate in the musical, and it doesn't matter if they've never sung a note before. Our musicals leave you open-mouthed and wanting more. 

Band teacher Toni Birch, whose mother Theresa Costello graduated from GICC, has the Costello humor and sass. It's not easy to follow the magnificent Monika Peters, but Toni brought her own style, energy and passion to begin a wonderful new era of the GICC band.

One of my very favorite people at GICC is art teacher Dawn Zulkoski. Her classroom is uniquely the safe place for kids to express themselves in art. Dawn has allowed them to explore their talents and is responsible for the annual Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest - a great tradition at our school. She also teaches religion and creates a space of safety and comfort there as well.

Deb Houdek teaches religion, too, and helps our kids to develop a strong faith. She walks with queenly dignity down our hallways. Her personal stories are inspirational in the classroom, and students love her religion classes.

Our guitar playing Dee Hanssen teaches religion, coaches girls' golf, and savors her coffee. Her bright smile is infectious and kind and includes everyone.

Kathy McFarland teaches religion to both ends of our school spectrum - the sixth graders and the seniors. Outside my classroom during Lent, I see her guiding those little sixth graders through the halls to say the Stations of the Cross and am always moved by their great reverence.

Father Sid Bruggeman, pastor of St. Libory Catholic Church and our own Central Catholic chaplain, preaches to us every Thursday morning at school Mass with his precious Rosary wrapped around his fist. Something about that Rosary always speaks to me. In fact, Father Sid's earnest and heartfelt presence speaks to all of us as he loves and challenges our kids to seek our Lord.

Amy May, the busy mother of three littles, teaches Spanish and is much loved by her students. She's much loved by John and me, too. John calls her his "Little Crusader", and she calls him "Big Crusader." Amy has taken our Spanish department to new heights and is an exceptional educator.

Kelly Ward and her sweet comfort dog Oakley are revered at school. We were so fortunate to have Kelly, a retired GIPS teacher, come to Central to teach P.E. and computers. Kelly is as steady as they come in the classroom, on the volleyball court, and on the track. Oakley is just as calm, and you can't help but feel better just to be around them.

Jeff Ashby is the iconic football coach. He even looks the part. I love seeing our head coach in the halls every morning before school laughing and joking with the other football coaches. It's that Americana scene you always hope for in a high school setting.

My old friend Jackie Bigley, who also graduated from GICC back in the 70's, is a talented retired teacher from GIPS - we get a lot of those great retired teachers - and helps teach English. There's nothing as nice as seeing a beautiful face from your youth around the old place.

No school can begin to function without administrators and office staff. The place would fall apart. Dr. Jordan Engle and Mr. Phou Manivong deal with a thousand different details every day. Thank God they're young. In truth their job never ends. 

Without Amy Ostdiek, our school secretary, we'd be in deep doo-doo. Amy isn't just a secretary. She's a counselor, advisor, organizer, and fill-in parent to every one of our students. We instinctively run to Amy with every problem - whether it's with the copy machine or a broken computer. Amy Osdiek is our salvation.

Nurse Betty Seim is constantly busy ministering to students and faculty members. Whether you have a sore throat, sick stomach or think you may be developing an ulcer, we all go to our sympathetic Betty.

Everybody knows Janelle Armstrong. Her pleasant voice speaks to us at 6 p.m. every Sunday evening. Diligently documenting all the news, Janelle keeps us on top of the endless events at Central Catholic. To do it so pleasantly is a gift.

I don't know how they do it, but our cafeteria staff is magnificent. Manager Lisa Montgomery, who's the very loved mother of a very loved former student Aric Montgomery, runs the cafeteria like a finely tuned machine. Even though I leave the school before lunch time, I love to stroll to the other end of the school hallway just to smell the aroma of good food wafting out of the cafeteria. Lisa is a genius, pure and simple.

She's assisted by Dawnita Buck, another mother of three favorite GICC sons - Bill, Mike and Jackson -who greets all of us with her big, lovely smile. 

Leann Wilsey is the third member of the cafeteria staff and mother of former graduate Emily. Leann was also our neighbor for many years. John and I adore her. She, along with Lisa and Dawnita, are some of the most remarkable women you will ever meet.

Handsome Enrique Martinez, a member of our janitorial staff, always arrives at school just as I leave. We manage to say hello and goodbye like two ships passing.

I'm fortunate to have known James Martinez, our Maintenance Manager and one of the most wonderful men I've ever known, for many years. I was lucky enough to teach James when he was in middle school here at Central Catholic, and even now he smiles with his whole heart in his face. With a new grade school opening, James is busy from sun-up to sun-down, but I've never seen him irritated or disgruntled. I will miss this dear young man more than I can say.

Everybody in the city of Grand Island - and maybe even the state - knows Jeannee Mueller Fossberg who recently joined our staff to begin preparations as the new elementary school secretary. A few people in this world generate their own light wherever they go. Jeannee is one of them. You cannot be unhappy around Jeannee Mueller Fossberg. Jolene Wojcik kindly walked me through the new grade school, and when she showed me the big front office where Jeannee will reside next year, I almost cried. I could imagine Jeannee in that office - the first face all those nervous little students and their equally nervous parents will see on the first day of school. As soon as they see Jeannee, everybody will be all right. Central Catholic Elementary School will begin its inaugural year without a qualm.

Finally, we were over the moon when Bill Gavers came back to teach science and to eventually be our athletic director. If there are moments that choke me up these last weeks of my teaching career, one of them is seeing Bill Gavers stride across the hall with his usual vigor and purpose calling out big greetings to kids.

"Bryndal Moody Blues!" he shouts at junior Bryndal Moody. Coach Gavers has a nickname for every kid in school - and even the teachers. He coached our own sons, Kenny and Tommy, and we have a long, wonderful history with him.

This is the Central Catholic family - my people. 

Thank you, family, for your companionship as we traveled this road together. I couldn't have asked for better comrades along the way. 

Keep fighting the good fight, trust in our Lord, and watch over those wonderful kids.

Also, please call me for lunch.


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